Fabricated on sabotage - Part 1
It started out as an idea that I wanted to pursue, something to reflect the mundane, an activity that everyone can relate to. During some house chores on a quite Sunday morning, deep in thought, the idea of a game about laundry struck me. Wouldn’t it be awesome to play a game about doing laundry.
Having already started the concept of Carry On, we already floated the idea in conversation about creating a game all about sabotage. I was thinking what if we had a red sock be thrown into the washing machine with white clothes, that would ruin the entire load of white. That’ll be the primary focus, get all your laundry done before your opponents. Sabotage or cooperate with each other by doing the washing in a common washing machine (or laundromat).
We were thrilled when we discussed the idea about having a game that could be based solely on ruining each other without having the need to lie or bluff. It was a simple mind game between players, anyone can follow without having a complicated theme. You can strategically place cards, plan well thought out attacks and strategies or simply play a game of chance and hope for the best.
Next, we had to figure out how to remedy the ruined white garments. We figured that we could use a bleach and bleach the white clothes. But using bleach in the washing would ruin coloured clothes, then we came up with an opposing special dye. A special dye, that doesn’t exist in real life but within this world, which would restore ruined colour garments.
Before you know it, we have a half fleshed out game. Other mechanics fell into place, we knew we had to included different types of action cards that were related to doing laundry, wash, rinse, sort, cycle, iron, and hand wash. As you can see, we do not have iron or cycle in Dirty Laundry, maybe we could make an expansion? 😁. We also decided that we needed to add additional item cards to slow the process down. Stain remover, fabric softener and mesh bag were born.
We thought and discussed some more over the next few weeks; if we can ruin garments and clothes, why not also ruin the washing machines?
… to be continued.
Written by Quokka Jono